President - Presides over all meetings and Executive Board, leads and acts as key contact for PTO, ex-officio member of all committees (except Nominating), Colfax leadership Team member (meets first Tuesday of each month)
VP of Communications - Coordinates PTO communications and marketing through various media; maintains PTO website
VP of Fundraising – Coordinates with committee chairs on all fundraising initiatives, liaison between fundraising committee chairs and Board
VP of Programs- Coordinates with program chairs on school-wide initiatives, liaison between program committee chairs and Board
Secretary - Records minutes at all general assembly and board meetings, maintains PTO Permanent Files
Treasurer – Ensures deposit of all received funds; makes properly authorized disbursements; maintains record of all financial activity; prepares financial reporting monthly, for meetings, and as needed; prepares records for Audit Committee review, IRS 990, 1099s, state tax refund reporting